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Singing Nurse, Singing Nurse, Where Did You Go?

April 2, 2013 in Creative Adventures, God - Faith - Hope - Love

Happy Spring to you all!

Singing Nurse, Singing Nurse, Where did you go?

Dawn Ginese, May 29, 2011

Singing nurse, singing nurse, where did you go?

I went for a walk, on a country road

So I threw on my sneakers, I had to get it moving

Gail said you go, I’ll go too, so I grabbed my camera, and off I flew

 Singing nurse, singing nurse, what did you see?

I saw an old brown bull, looking at me

His hair was really shaggy, he was quite cute

He really didn’t mind, my photo shoot

Singing nurse, singing nurse, what did you hear?

The birds were a chirping, the lambs were a baaing

The frogs were a croaking, the bees were a buzzing

The cows were a mooing, need I say more

I’d highly recommend it, going outdoors


Singing nurse, singing nurse, what did you feel?

The warmth on my face, blood moving through my veins

I was a bit distracted, by all created things

Cuz winged bugs in flowers, were looking up at me

On my way back, a little turtle seemed stuck

I gave a little nudge, so he wouldn’t be mush

Yes, all in all, my walk was a treat

With all the signs of spring, blooming at my feet


Have a great Spring and Summer, remember to drink fluids, wear sunscreen(not too much sun) and check for ticks!

Ms. Dawn, The Singing Nurse

A few more signs of spring….

…………………………..My church in spring…                                                      Awesome flowers enjoying the bloom…

A view from my deck….zoomed of course…

To hear some songs about critters and being healthy click here.

Nature Painting, bringing the outdoors inside

June 23, 2012 in Creative Adventures

 Children love the outdoors and I believe boys especially do. This is a project that will integrate four of the senses and bring the outdoor elements and the child together. Collecting the earthy items with your child is great fun and a wonderful learning opportunity. But this craft project exposes the child who is unable to spend long periods of time outdoors as well. Hands on activities are a great way to have your child feel more part and enjoy the elements of nature.

Start by collecting an assortment of items from the great outdoors.

1. Smooth and round rocks (wash the rocks off before using them)

2. Grass

3. Pine needles and pine cones

4. Assortment of leaves

5. Flowers

6. Twigs

Other supplies you may need: tape, paints, paper towels or wipes, white paper, markers

 Lay out your paints, I placed a mound of different color paints on a large mirror. Let your child see you drip the paint on your paint pallet or mirror; this is a visual treat for them. 

Let your child see and feel the texture of each item you are going to use as this integrates his sense of sight, smell and touch. Rub rocks together to stimulate his sense of hearing to help your child realize that these elements are hard. Point out the veins in the leaves, the colors of the flowers and their soft pedals. Bring to his attention the points of the pine needles. 

If he was unable to go collect the items, describe where you got them and if they came from a tree, a bush or the ground. Take a picture if you can, it says a thousand words. I love my digital camera and the instantaneous visual function it has. I will often take a picture of something happening outside to show my little friend. It is hard to see something close or near the ground if your child is in a wheelchair or bed. A mirror is also a helpful tool to help your child see.

Most children have the experience of exploring and the opportunity of rock throwing, feeling the grass under their feet and picking flowers. We can help the wheelchair or bed bound child experience these activities that we so often take for granted.

We taped the grass in a bundle to make it like a paintbrush. 

Take one item at a time and press it into the paint and then press it onto the paper. Let your child help press and rub the paint onto the paper. Use hand over hand for the child who has limited use of their hands.  Use a different color for each item in your picture to help differentiate each nature item.

Kian loves being outside, enjoys looking around and seeing animals and feeling the sun on his face.

Next time we will show you what we did to convert a simple photo album into a beautiful personalized Grandma’s Brag book. We used a similar process with a few tweaks. Sign up to our email subscription to make sure you don’t miss a post.

For Healthy, Creative, Wonder filled kids,

Ms. Dawn

Tell us what projects you have created by using some natural elements from the great outdoors.

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