Hand print & hand washing fun!
September 15, 2012 in Children's Health Education
We had a little fun the other day and ended up washing our hands afterwards of course. My little friend may not get his hands as dirty as other kids but still enjoys a good bubbly hand washing. Try this hand washing activity with your little people. You might have a few really outdoorsy type kids who come into the classroom with fingernails in need of a good cleaning. Apply this activity so no one is singled out in the hand washing department.
This can be a group activity where kids pair up. You will know your kids whether they can work together or if each child should work alone.
Items you will need:
Having all items ready will help your activity to go smoothly, or as smooth as it can go with preschooler and young children.
*cover-up/aprons *paints *paint brushes *paper *a few paper towels ready for each child to use *a small container of soapy water for each child (sharing 1 tub of soapy water would be a very germy situation)
1. Child 1 paints one hand of child 2 and has him make a hand print on a piece of paper.
2. Child 1 wipes excess paint off hand of child 2.
3. Child 1 paints the other hand of child 2 and makes a print on same piece of paper.
4. Child 1 wipes excess paint off hand of child 2 again, set picture aside to dry.
5. Children trade places where child 2 helps child 1 now- do 1-4 again.
6. Teacher places a pre-prepared container of soapy water in front of each child.
7. Everyone has a grand time washing and playing in the soapy water, it will probably be tinted in whatever color paint the child was using. Make this a teachable moment as all the children will be in their little tubs of soapy water and you can review good hand washing techniques. 1. wash fronts and backs 2. in between fingers 3. wrist and fingernails etc. (Added fun: play the “Rubba Dub Dub, or Don’t Spread Your Germs Around” songs as the children wash their hands)
This would also be a good time to have a group discussion and review other times we need to wash our hands. 1. when we come in from playing outdoors 2. before we eat 3. after playing with pets 4. after blowing our nose 5. after coughing or sneezing in our hands 6. before we play in the rice table etc.
8. Have partners go in pairs to wash hands at the sink with adult supervision to complete the process, dry hands with paper towel and toss it in the trash.
9. Optional: After the children return to their seats give each child a little dab of hand lotion to rub on their hands.
Give lots of praise for a job well done.
If you enjoyed this activity you may like “The Singing Nurse Health Lessons for Kids”, which is full of fun activities, games and artsy projects. The lessons are simple to follow and save you lots of preparation time besides all the catchy songs that teach healthy living.
Have a wonderful school year, please subscribe via our feedburner so you won’t miss a health post tip, recycling project or an outdoorsy craft activity.
For Healthy Kids,
Ms. Dawn, The Singing Nurse
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