Get Your Flu Shot! *Influenza, another reason to wash hands
September 24, 2011 in Creative Adventures, News - Updates, Uncategorized
We did it again and hope you do too…
Influenza (Flu)-another reason to wash your hands and to cough or sneeze in your shoulder.
Yours truly, The Singing Nurse took the plunge and is here to remind you to get your flu shot if you are able. Remember it’s not about us, even though getting the flu shot will benefit us as well.
Getting our flu shot is an act of kindness towards those we love and especially to the medically fragile people we rub shoulders with everyday.
The flu shot this year includes H1N1 and 2 other influenza viruses. Check out the CDC website, they have gobs of great info on how they choose the viruses and all the scientific stuff, if you are into to that sort of thing. The resources at the CDC would provide great info for a school science project for older children in school or homeschoolers.
Children of course have the highest rate of infection because they are together in close proximity.
Symptoms may include:
*fever *sore throat *chills *fatigue *cough *headache *muscle aches
Infants, the elderly, pregnant women and people with health conditions may become very ill.
The flu can also cause: high fever, pneumonia and diarrhea and seizures in children.
Tens of thousands die, and more are hospitalized from the flu each year.
The CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that all people 6 months and older receive the flu shot.
Flu season is usually between Oct and May.
Check with your doctor before getting a flu shot to make sure you and the children in your life are able.
Adverse reaction to the shot can be from very mild discomfort to a very rare life threatening reaction.
Call your doctor with any question and 911 for anything that appears life threatening. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and seek help. When in doubt check it out.
This post has been a summary from the info found @ the CDC and AAP websites.
Check out their great handouts for parents.
Songs to Listen/Purchase Rubba Dub Dub **Don’t Spread Your Germs Around
Children’s hand washing lesson.
*color sheet*games*crafts*lesson*animation
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For Healthy Children and Families,
Ms. Dawn, The Singing Nurse
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