The Other Musical Side of The Singing Nurse, Project Complete

September 18, 2013 in Creative Adventures, God - Faith - Hope - Love

Hi my Friends,
No germs here today!

UPDATE project is complete see it here.

Well, I have been a bit out of commission with our recent vacation and finishing up on our new CD, I have a lot of catching up to do. Recording is like pregnancy and takes just about as long, as I am sure all of you can attest to with any creative project you are in midst of and want to do with excellence.

Well our musical tapestry will be in our arms soon and it is all about “Transitions”. The songs are about life, lovers, God and the tough times we pilgrims pass through. The music styles includes Lennon, Rundgren, and Bacharach ballads, with a big band rock jazz feel on the faster songs. What can I say, my husband Michael Ginese is a boy from the late 60’s early 70’s and wrote all the songs. I am really liking it! I have the privilege of singing lots of harmony and solo on three of the ballads.

If you would be so kind as to watch the video below to learn more about the project I am working on to help us promote the CD that would be awesome. The project is a song video as a way to introduce folks to our CD and to get all of you involved. The tune is a song for lovers commitment to each other in marriage who can still say, I’m glad “You’re Still Here with Me”.

Update, Project Now Complete: Send your short video clips, wedding and current pictures and how many yrs married to: put “pictures for love song” in the subject
I would love for you to be part,
One of His,

You’re Still Here with Me
Mike Ginese 2012
Oh my dear friend, I sure love you so
My companion, such deep trust you show
I’m so humbled, I’m so graced with life
To have you with me, as we move toward night

I have more than, than I ever dreamed
In your arms are, all the joys I need
I would not trade, a dark or sun filled day
For the love that, you have brought my way

Chorus: How many times I’ve fallen, yet you held my hand
And stayed right by my side, when everyone else leaves
You’re still here with me, you’re the only one
You’re still here with me

Only you know, when I’m weak or strong
I’ve hidden nothing, my life’s an open song
You won’t leave me and I won’t turn and run
We’ll be together, now and forever one


Check out the music, view the completed video & and interview.