Sunny Days, COVID19, America and Will School Open?
July 7, 2020 in Children's Health Education
Hi Friends,
So much is going on and this lock down has really been dragging on. I hope all of you are safe and surviving all the intricate parts of COVID19. My daughter in-law wrote a post for me about her sadness when she returned to clean out her empty classroom . You may relate to her.
On a happy note I have been taking part in a YouTube Live everyday, all about social media and the online world. It’s been great having something to look forward to every morning and fun to get to know the participants. Monday was day 109 and Pat Flynn is the young laid off business entrepreneur family guy leading us.
In this group I met Grandma Goodie’s Bible Stories who is a woman creating short videos for young children to learn simple bible stories and to give warn out parents a wholesome 5-10 min break. She has a YT channel, is a real hoot and worth checking out.
I have also met Mike’s Home ESL which is a teaching tips YT channel. He teaches English in China and creates videos to help other ESL teaches.
He is a real fun and generous guy. We hit it off and he sang and recorded my song “Don’t Spread Your Germs Around” with his ESL classroom, the kids are adorable.
And I met Mrs Abuela during Mike’s Home ESL Live YT events. She started putting her videos up on YouTube for her students in France during COVID19. She is a doll and in her simple way engages the kids with lessons and songs on YT.
I hope you will check out my awesome new friends, I know you will love them and be encouraged by them.
My husband was inspired on the Fourth of July and wrote a beautiful Poem.
“America, the Home that I Love” by Michael Ginese
Take a look around to see the ways I can help you save time and help you with next years online or classroom plans.
If you have any ideas for future songs and lessons, send me an e-mail. I would love to hear from you.
Here is a link to some free goodies just for you and your kids.
Do you know if your school is opening in the Fall? What are your plans or ideas if it does not? We can help each other ride the storm, please comment below.
For Happy Healthy Kids,
Individual Lessons & more 😉
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