So yes it is that time of year again, getting ready for “Back to School”. All of you fantastic teachers and awesome home school parents are revving up to teach the kiddos about “Reading and Writing and Rithmetic”, sprinkled with teaching preschoolers and the big kid too about proper hand washing. The kids will be active in science projects learning about teeth, eyes, babies and more. I am so glad teachers, parents and school systems are continuing to include music, gym, art and health in their curriculum.
We all need these areas of self expression and of course all of us here at The Singing Nurse Headquarters love when these subject incorporate learning. We would love to help you teach your youngster about healthy living and of course we incorporate music, movement, art and health. Check us out.
But while all of you have been buzzing around getting ready, your’s truly has come up with a fun song to start off your school year. I know “She’ll be Coming Around the Mountain” has been used before, but I think you will agree our version adds some fun twists and turns to encourage healthy living and learning that will influence Professor and Pupils alike.
Below are the TSN lyrics and below that is a PDF for your printing convenience.
Have a wonderful, healthy, active, creative school year. Ms. Dawn
We’ll be Driving to School when we come D.G 8/12/2012
We’ll be driving to school when we come, (echo: when we come) pretend to drive
We’ll be driving to school when we come, (echo: when we come) pretend to drive
We’ll be driving to school x2-We’ll be driving to school when we come (when we come)
We’ll be riding in a car/school bus when we come, (beep beep/honk honk) drive…
We’ll be greetings our friend when we come, (echo: hello) wave hand…
We’ll be washing our hands when we come, (splish splash) pretend to wash hands
We’ll be shaking hands with neighbors when we come, (nice to meet you) shake hands
We’ll be covering our sneezes when we come (sneeze into shoulder)…
We’ll be covering our coughs when we come (cough into shoulder)…
We’ll be using a tissue when we come, pretend to blow your nose…
And we won’t spread our germs when we come (no, no) wag finger no, then point x2…
We’ll be eating healthy lunches when we come, (umm good) scoop food to mouth…
We’ll be eating fruits and veggies when we come, (crunch) bite into pretend apple…
We’ll be walking and leaping when we come, march and jump up…
We’ll be writing and painting when we come, write and paint in the air…
We’ll be reading and counting when we come, pretend to open book, point x3 to count…
We’ll be listening and learning when we come, cup ears and point to head…
Add your own activities, have a great school year!
Be safe and healthy, Ms. Dawn, The Singing Nurse
PDF We’ll be driving to school when we com
Creator of “The Singing Nurse Health Lessons for Kids”