Reading: a Family Legacy
January 23, 2010 in Nurturing the Child, Uncategorized
♥ Nothing creates a love for reading more than sitting with our child and doing just that, reading.
♥ Start as soon as they will sit still, which of course starts as an infant right from the crib.
♥ Our children love hearing our voices, the rhythm and the tones.
♥ We spark our toddlers curiosity when we read to them, let them turn the pages and allow the anticipation of what’s to come, remember not to rush. They will ask for the same book again and again.
♥ Start with board books which you can pick up cheep from your local thrift store.
♥ Visit your local library and participate in a story hour for young children. Story hour is a nice break for moms and expands your child’s exposure to new stories.
♥ Make sure and sign up for a library card and let your child be part of checking out the books.
♥ It is helpful to use a book bag to keep books organized and accounted for.
♥ Remember to borrow more books than DVDs.
♥ When the children get older it is fun to create a chart to keep track of the titles and the amount of books read.
♥ Good books are windows to explore the world in which we live.