Dads and Little Girls
Dads play such an important part in a little girl’s life. How a dad handles and speaks to his fragile little daughter and his overall attitude can influence this blooming little woman for a lifetime.
Have a Wonderful Father’s Day!
I’d like to introduce you to some great writers that have influenced my husband and I over the years. Their books and radio programs have been like life rafts to us and I would recommend adding them to your library of parenting book.
1. Dr. James Dobson books-“Parenting Isn’t for Cowards”, “Dare to Discipline”, “Strong Willed Child” “Raising Girls”,” Raising Boys”
Below is a quote on Fathers and Daughters from Dr. James Dobson family talk website.
Fathers have an incalculable impact on their daughters. Most psychologists believe, and I am one of them, that all future romantic relationships are influenced positively or negatively by the way a girl interacts with her dad in the childhood years. If that is true, then fathers should give careful thought to this responsibility and seek to be what their daughters need of them. There are, I believe, at least seven components to that assignment:
1. leadership at the home
2. he is being watched closely
3. begin “dating” a daughter
4. build self-confidence
5. communication
6. providers and protectors
7. spiritual leader of the family
To read the whole post click here
To see all the great books by James Dobson click here.
2. Zig Ziglar- “Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World”-Below are some great quote from the book:
*The only way to raise positive kids is to start to be a positive parent.
*You are what you are and where you are because of what has gone into your mind.
*Honesty is a marketable commodity.
*When we do more than we are paid to do, eventually we will be paid more for what we do.
*It is never too late to do the right thing.
*You never know when a moment and a few sincere words can have an impact on a life.
*Faith is your response to God’s ability.
*Hope is the power that gives a person confidence to step out and try.
*The saddest words in the English language are if only.
*No human being can be all things to all people.
*Making the family a top priority will invariably bring success.
*A strong, unified parental team has the best shot at positively influencing children for good.
*The key ingredient in family communication is listening, really listening.
*You need to forgive…regardless of the offense.
*The child who has not been disciplined with love by his little world will be disciplined, generally without love, by the big world.
*Real love demands you do what is best for your children and not always what is the easiest for you.
*Love can do what nothing else can.
I especially enjoyed the section on creativity in his book and how to encourage it in our children. “Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World” is a great book to study with a group of friend who want to be better parents.
Pick up your copy here.
Charles Swindoll-“You and Your Child”
This is a great book to help with the basic steps to a successful relationship between parent and child.
*Know Your Child
*Loving Your Child
*Training Your Child
*Disciplining Your Child
*Releasing Your Child
You can purchase on amazon here.
You and Your Child-Study Guide link here.
I’ve enjoyed Swindoll’s radio broadcast over the years, click here.
Hope you have a great Father’s Day and appreciate the awesome privilege you have to love and influence the lives of your precious children.
For Healthy Kids, Body, Mind and Spirit,
Ms. Dawn
What positive mark has your dad left on your life?
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