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Prepare & Promote Good Health

November 20, 2013 in Children's Health Education, Uncategorized

Squirrels prepare for winter!

Prepare & Promote Good Health?

Squirrels are known to gather acorns to get ready for the big wintry cold season ahead. They scamper around in the leaves and race up and down the trees to get prepared, it is just in them.

Well, like the squirrels, we want to get ready too; it is just in us to protect the health of our families. We would be honored to help prepare you and your children for the cold and flu season coming soon. Burr!  And, we’d love to partner together with you to promote healthy living to the public.

Go here to learn how The Singing Nurse can help prepare your family/students.

We’d love to hear your ideas. Please respond below in the comments box.

We all know the feeling when we are caught in a tight space and the gentleman next to us starts coughing, blowing his nose and yes, spreading those yucky germs around. People can be very inconsiderate by not protecting the public from their germs. So it is our job as conscientious parents and teachers to teach our children healthy consideration for the greater public health good and seize teachable moments as good public health ambassadors.

“Healthy”, what is it? The dictionary meaning says:

1: enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, or spirit

2: revealing a state of health <a healthy complexion>

3: conducive to health

“Consideration”, what is it? The dictionary meaning says:

1: continuous and careful thought <after long consideration he agreed to their  requests>

2 : a matter weighed or taken into account when formulating an opinion or plan <economic considerations forced her to leave college> b : a taking into account

3: thoughtful and sympathetic regard

4: an opinion obtained by reflection

“Healthy consideration”, what is it?

So, as we reflect on enjoying health, we make a continuous thoughtful regard and “do something”,  and take action on our reflection.

Some of our thoughts on Healthy Consideration and the actions to take:

Healthy consideration is:

Covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue.

Sneezing or coughing into your elbow or shoulder.

Washing or sanitizing your hands if you coughed or sneezed into them.

Staying home from work away from others while you are sick.

Keeping your child home from school if they are ill.

Staying away from shopping or going to large gatherings such as kid activities or your house of worship when you are ill. 

Promoting healthy consideration and wellness to others:

We most likely will be in a position to encourage someone to stop spreading their germs around. We may have the opportunity for a teachable moment while handing someone hand sanitizer or a sanitizer wipe when you see they need to clean their hands.

Remember to do it as sweetly as possible with bushels of “consideration”, taking into account that they most likely are not feeling well.

Creative ways to promote healthy consideration:

Print up business cards(you can let your children create messages) or print on a sticker and stick it to a small bottle of hand sanitizer or pre-packaged handwipe with a healthy message like:

1. Please Cough & Sneeze in Your Shoulder “Don’t Spread Your Germs Around”.

2. Sorry you’re not feeling well, please cough or sneeze in your shoulder.

3. Sorry you’re not feeling well, please don’t spread your germs around.

4. Sorry you’re not feeling well, please accept this hand wipe to wipe the germs away.

5. Not near a sink, please accept this hand wipe to protect all of us from germs.

Some TSN ideas: Check out our Health Promotion pins 

New TSN Health Promo Pin

New TSN Health Promo Pin


We Living Healthy, please “Don’t Spread Your Germs Around”

Sing & Learn w Us, Hear the ♫ Song @


We Living Healthy, Hand Washing is Important, ”Rubba Dub Dub”

Hear the ♫ Song @


Here are some comments that others have said about promoting good public health.  Below are some #hashtag ideas for twitter searching. We’d love to hear yours too. To follow TSN on twitter click here.

A young family man/professional working in NYC suggests:

“How about something edgy like”

Check out TSN health lessons for kids, click here.

Have a happy healthy winter,

Ms. Dawn, The Singing Nurse

You may have some ideas to promote healthy consideration, what do you plan on doing to promote healthy living with your family this cold and flu season?

You may like these posts : reasons to wash hands…Check out these Hand Washing Videos, one by Miss Leslie too.

#1 H1N1

#2 Rhinovirus

#3 Strep Throat

#4 Influenza (flu)

Originally posted by Dawn Ginese Here @ The Singing Nurse






Even Disney needs help stopping germs!

July 27, 2012 in Children's Health Education

Wow, came across this blog post about Disney experiencing a mysterious bug of sorts. It’s not surprising that germs are present in popular public places such as The Wild Kingdom. The more people and the closer in proximity to others we are, will increase our chances of germ exposure. It is good to know that Disney is upping the presence of hand sanitizer to it’s guests. We here at The Singing Nurse have learned that hand washing is really the best remedy since it incorporates friction as well as soap and water. Hand sanitizer is a good second choice if soap and water is not handy.

Things to Remember:

1. Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth while in public places. This is really hard and surely difficult for the kids to remember. Make it fun and play a game, have a reward for the winners. Try this fun germ game with the kids while you are on vacation. 

2. Bring your own stash of hand sanitizer to insure you are prepared and wash hands often.

3. Cough or Sneeze in your shoulder or a tissue to trap your germs which is being kind to your neighbor. Check out this post on the common cold which will also apply to any germy situation.

4. Download these two songs from the CDbaby player and add them to your favorite travel CD to make learning  fun. “Rubba Dub Dub” & “Don’t Spread Your Germs Around” Hear and download them here.

5. Spread a little “Don’t Spread Your Germs Around” love. See how here.

Have a wonderful vacation, get rested up for your back to school plans, stay healthy and don’t spread your germs around. 

Tell us your healthy or not so healthy vacation adventure…Comment below…

Connect to us and subscribe in the top right corner. 

For Healthy Kids and Families, 

Ms. Dawn, The Singing Nurse










































Fun Health Promotion Products Here!

June 4, 2012 in News - Updates, Products

UPDATE: We are out now but willing to do a special order for you. 🙂

Just wanted you to know that my New Health Promotion Pins are available while they last. Ever want to remind a friend to “Don’t Spread Your Germs Around”, but were afraid to offending them. Hand them this little adorable Singing Nurse Pin and they will smile and thank you for the reminder. Purchase in bulk and share them at school, at work, with fellow nurses or anywhere you see someone spreading their germs around. 

Use my Contact link for more info. Put TSN Pins in the subject