Five Dollar Friday, Download TSN Songs

May 28, 2010 in Children's Health Education, News - Updates, Nurturing the Child, The Singing Nurse Music, Uncategorized

mom and baby

Five Dollar Friday with The Singing Nurse health songs for healthy living.


Thanks for your curiosity about The Singing Nurse music. I’m trying to get the word out about my fun upbeat songs for kids, young children, preschoolers, teachers, health care workers and parents.

Twitter has follow fridays so I thought I would have a Five Dollar Friday to make my whole downloadable album available @ that price of course.

Most of my songs on this CD are health related but there are a couple inspirational songs.

Parents, children and professionals who work with children enjoy my songs and I hope you will take advantage of one of my occassion Five Dollar Friday.  If you like what you hear, please get the word out to your friends and contacts.

Most people don’t know this, but you can also embed my bandbox player on your website so all your visitors can check out and purchase TSN songs.

Appreciate You, Have a Great Week-End and Stay Healthy.

Healthy Living for the Whole Family,

Ms. Dawn, The Singing NurseThe-Singing-Nurse-Shadow.JPG

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Only available as download @ that price

a lot more goes into the full CD production.

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