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Meeting of the Two Year Old Mind

July 10, 2010 in God - Faith - Hope - Love, Nurturing the Child, Uncategorized

two year old mind

Meeting of the minds with a two year old can be challenging. They can be so very loving at one moment and in a total melt down the next. One thing for sure, they are so very alive and totally free to express all that comes with the package.

Below are amusing comments from Toddler’s Rules on Ownership that I like, and below it are some quotes from the great Biblical expositor, G. Campbell Morgan, from his booklet “The Music of Life”, worth finding and reading. My husband and I cried when we read it together, Morgan shares about the stages of life in musical terms, a beautiful parallel.

1. If I like it, it’s mine.
2. If it’s in my hand, it’s mine.
3. If I can take it from you, it’s mine.
4. If I had it a little while ago, it’s mine.
5. If it’s mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way.
6. If I’m doing or building something, all the pieces are mine.
7. If it looks just like mine, it is mine.
8. If I saw it first, it’s mine.
9. If you are playing with something and you put it down, it automatically becomes mine.
10. If it’s broken, it’s yours.
11. If it’s broken, but you are having fun playing with the pieces, it’s mine again.

12. If there is ANY doubt, it’s mine.

Dolce-softly and sweetly

“…I am dealing with ideal humanity; and I affirm in every child born–properly or improperly it matters nothing–between that little baby and Jesus there is perfect harmony…that tremendous phrase of His–“Of such is the Kingdom of God.”  “

…from the pen of Ian Maclaren…on King Baby; a magazine in England…If you are in a omnibus or a trolley car, and baby comes in in a woman’s arms, his in king.

“The baby is always making music. What are the notes? Four–Mystery, Innocence, Dependence and Promise…in the presence of the baby you know, you are in the presence of mystery…you know the lines.

“where did you come from, baby dear?

Out of the everywhere into the here.”

“Mystery! You stand in the presence of mystery; and that is the first and fundamental note in the music of infant life.”

“Then at once, Innocence.  No sin–I am talking of volitional wrong-doing–no sin, no sorrow, no shame.”

Mystery, and then the charm of its innocence.

What then?  Dependence. What a music that makes, that this little life is absolutely dependent upon you.  Neglect it, and it fades, passes out; it dies.  Oh, the tragedy that there are children who fade because neglected, because not wanted, all over our lands. That this little life is dependent, is making music in the heart of mother all the time.

What else? The last note is that of promise. Again, to quote Mark Twain. When General Grant was Commander-in-Chief of the army of the Tennessee, a dinner was given in his honour at which Mark Twain was present and spoke in his own inimitable way. He said things sparkling with humour and profound in philosophy. He said among other things this, “In the land to-day there are perhaps twenty-thousand cradles rocking; and among them such, did we but know which they are, we would preserve and hold sacred for all the coming years.”  He said, “In one of those cradles the future astronomer is blinking at the Milky Way, wondering what has become of that other milky way! In yet another of those cradles a future historian is lying, which he will probably continue to do to the end of his life. In yet another the future commader-in-chief of the army of the Tennessee is engaged in no greater piece of strategy than that of attempting to get his great toe into his mouth; and if the boy be father to the man, when General Grant attempted, he was pre-eminently successful! And then, said he, “The babies in the cradles will soon be on board the ship of state. Let them be carefully trained, for the future depends upon them.”

Can you see a little child without dreaming dreams and seeing visions? Many a man has been rescued by looking into the face of his newborn child. …It is arresting to me in that remarkable fifth chapter of Genesis, I read that it was after Enoch begat Methuselah, after the first baby came, that “he walked with God.” …So the babies come into the world, and the notes merge of mystery, of innocence, of dependence, and promise; and there is music everywhere, where the babies are.

Hope you enjoyed the quotes, we have such an awesome priveledge to mold and model to our kids, instead of calling our little dependent ones terrible, someone has reclaimed the truth by calling them terrific…

For Healthy Kids and Families

Ms. Dawn, The Singing Nurse

Five Dollar Friday, Download TSN Songs

May 28, 2010 in Children's Health Education, News - Updates, Nurturing the Child, The Singing Nurse Music, Uncategorized

mom and baby

Five Dollar Friday with The Singing Nurse health songs for healthy living.


Thanks for your curiosity about The Singing Nurse music. I’m trying to get the word out about my fun upbeat songs for kids, young children, preschoolers, teachers, health care workers and parents.

Twitter has follow fridays so I thought I would have a Five Dollar Friday to make my whole downloadable album available @ that price of course.

Most of my songs on this CD are health related but there are a couple inspirational songs.

Parents, children and professionals who work with children enjoy my songs and I hope you will take advantage of one of my occassion Five Dollar Friday.  If you like what you hear, please get the word out to your friends and contacts.

Most people don’t know this, but you can also embed my bandbox player on your website so all your visitors can check out and purchase TSN songs.

Appreciate You, Have a Great Week-End and Stay Healthy.

Healthy Living for the Whole Family,

Ms. Dawn, The Singing NurseThe-Singing-Nurse-Shadow.JPG

Go to Music

Only available as download @ that price

a lot more goes into the full CD production.

Rubba Dub Dub: Preschool Hand Washing Song, Lesson Plan and Animation

January 10, 2010 in Children's Health Education, News - Updates, The Singing Nurse Music, Uncategorized

Hand washing for good health, how many interesting and enticing ways can we share, show and encourage each other to “just do it”, and teach our highly observant and ever emerging preschoolers to follow in our footsteps.

Doing what is takes to teach the point!

Doing what is takes to teach the point!

This handwashing post is dedicated to those feisty energetic preschool teachers, who I happen to believe are some of the most creative bunch of gals on the planet. Most of us are women who work in early childhood because, who else has the patience, and delights in hanging out with a gang of wiggly equally energetic three and four year olds.

My experience working with preschoolers developed while being a mother of three, teaching Sunday school, being a teacher assistant for emotionally disturbed children, and then later, as a nurse and then “the singing nurse”.

The task of hand washing became necessary not only as a mother washing off mud pie and finger paints, but also as a Head Start Nurse. You might be familiar with this program that helps low income families learn all they can about parenting, raising healthy children, leadership and setting goals for themselves. The staff’s job was to discover anything that may hinder the child’s growth in all aspects, be it emotional or health issues, hearing or vision difficulties or the spotting of a potential learning disability.

We worked as a team and were privileged to be part of their developing lives, to give them a “Head Start” before Kindergarten. We worked not only with the children, but with the whole family unit. We take for granted the skills we’ve learned from our parents like, being encouraging, sitting and reading a book with our child, cooking a meal together and gathering as a family to eat it. It was part of the Head Start program to teach and model these family values.

Hand washing song by The Singing Nurse, Dawn Ginese

The Rubba Dub Dub Baby

Oh yes, hand washing, just a slight sidetrack and bit of knowledge about the path I’ve been on. So, how does this all tie together? I am a musician as well as a nurse, so I decided to write some health songs while I was working in early childhood development. Who can vouch for the fact that we all write and sing little songs for every purpose while working with preschool children? The common adventures and sometimes scary situations preschoolers encounter in school and with medical professionals gave me the spark to write songs like; I’m Gonna Brush My Teeth, The Dentist is a Good Guy, Don’t Spread Your Germs Around, The Audiologist, The Tick Song, and Babies Are Beautiful.

One health song in particular is a hand washing song for preschoolers called “Rubba Dub Dub”. The tune is an echo song, it is easy to sing, the hand motions are simple, it’s tested and true and the kids love the lively beat. I was blessed by my daughter Hannah who created an animation of my song as a Christmas gift.

We have our favorite fun filled hand washing animation and lesson plan with activities and discussion points that integrates my hand washing song. The simple to use health lesson is complete with a germ game and several project options, lyrics with hand motions and more.

“Rubba Dub, Dub”, as well as other health tunes can be downloaded at the Music for Children page. Check it all out, sign up via my contact page to receive news when my animated dental song is complete.

Thanks to a new friend Deborah Stewart who encouraged me to reach out to her circle of early childhood educators with my educational health songs. I found her and her website, Teach Preschool via twitter.

Cheers to competent, innovative preschool teachers. Lead by example and they will follow!

For Healthy Kids, Dawn Ginese, The Singing Nurse

Choose to educate your little ones it’s fun, easy and saves you time. Less than a coffee and bagel from your favorite coffee shop.

**To order just the “Rubba Dub Dub” song with Hand washing lesson and animation click Here, or to order the 1 & 4 combo of “Rubba Dub Dub” and “Don’t Spread Your Germs Around” songs and lessons click Here.  

The Singing Nurse, Dawn Ginese, RN © 2010






Don’t Spread Your Germs Around, Health Song for Preschoolers

December 26, 2009 in Children's Health Education, News - Updates, The Singing Nurse Music, Uncategorized

scan0004The winter is upon us, so we need to teach our children to protect themselves from the lurking germs about us. We need to enthusiastically model to them; washing our hands often, educate our children to not touch their eyes, mouth and nose and remind them to cough and sneeze in their shoulder. The Singing Nurse has a special song available to download that makes your job fun and easy.

Your kids will think you are amazing as you dance and incorporate hand motions and a conga line while waving your tissue. Read on to learn more, to read the lyrics, and to learn the history and inspiration behind the health song, “Don’t Spread Your Germs Around”. has included the song, “Don’t Spread Your Germs Around” on their most recent Radio Show. PreschoolRadio is a fun podcast formatted show who plays music for children 6 and under and those who love them. You will meet new artist and have access to their websites to purchase their music. My hat is off to Lyn Michaels-Carden, the producer.

Drawing by April Matula, special ed. preschool teacher, artist and illustrator.


#4 on the TSN CD, To purchase click on Music. Can be used with the hand washing health lesson.

Don’t Spread Your Germs Around

Dawn Ginese, RN  2004

If you think you need to cough

You think you need to cough

If you think you need to cough

(Cough sound into your shoulder) in your shoulder

If you think you need to cough

You think you need to cough

Show me what you’re going to do.

(Cough sound into your shoulder) in your shoulder


Don’t spread, don’t spread, don’t spread your germs around x3

Oh no, don’t spread your germs around

If you think you need to sneeze

You think you need to sneeze

If you think you need to sneeze

(Sneeze sound into your shoulder) in your shoulder

If you think you need to sneeze

You think you need to sneeze

Show me what you’re going to do.

(Sneeze sound into your shoulder) in your shoulder



“Don’t Spread Your Germs Around” has a Latin beat so I had my Puerto Rican friend, Jackie Rosado  sing it. The song helps children learn to cough or sneeze in their shoulder rather than in their hands or in the air. If they happen to forget and do it in their hands Jackie asks the children “what are you going to do?”, and they jubilantly reply “wash your hands”. It’s amazing how kids pick up concepts when you use music and motions. We’ve dressed up in Latin attire for this song and towards the end of the song formed a conga line while someone handed a tissue to each child as they passed by. If you have a smaller group, have them pass by a second time for another tissue so they will have one in each hand. One time we had a child dress up in my Nurses dress and cap and had her hand out the tissues.


To purchase click on Music.

3 Free Christmas songs are available until the end of 2009, add them to your library today ready for next Christmas!(update: The Christmas songs will be back again@ the end of 2010)













Preschool Radio, The Singing Nurse Health Songs and Free Christmas Music

December 18, 2009 in God - Faith - Hope - Love, News - Updates, The Singing Nurse Music

Christmas tree painted 09I found Preschool Radio via twitter, a great music listening site for the family, who caters to children six years old and under.  Lyn, the host, was searching for a radio program for her young daughter and felt what was offered on the radio waves was not appropriate for her. Lyn’s background in radio broadcasting gave her the nudge to create Preschool Radio. The show plays many undiscovered children’s artist and is quite delightful and refreshing. I contacted Lyn at Preschool Radio and asked if she would give my songs a listen, and she quickly replied back that we were a perfect match. Preschool Radio is in the midst of the Christmas season and played “The First Time” a Christmas song I wrote, recorded and gave to friends and family as a gift one Christmas. You can download 3 FREE Christmas songs I have written by going to the music page. I look forward to the future shows where Preschool Radio will be playing my sing along health songs.


rockwellHave a Wonderful Merry Christmas !

Ms. Dawn, The Singing Nurse

Rice University Students take TSN Global Health Songs to Nicaragua!

October 30, 2009 in Children's Health Education, News - Updates, The Singing Nurse Music, TSN outreach Projects


Beth and kate



kate and Beth on a missions trip to El Transito, Nicaragua to teach english, donate sports equipment and share The Singing Nurse Global Health Songs.

While there, they worked with and made friends with the local families and children. To see and read their blog go to




Global Health Song Nicaragua 2 Global Health Song Nicaragua 3

Downloadable Player @ The Singing Nurse WS

August 13, 2009 in Children's Health Education, News - Updates, The Singing Nurse Music


The Singing Nurse songs are now downloadable here at “The Singing Nurse” website.The Singing Nurse Shadow
Check it out at the Music tab to listen and download.

Make sure and get your orders in time for the start of the school year. Nothing like starting the school year with your kids singing “Don’t Spread Your Germs Around” and “Rubba Dub Dub” to ward off the germs of the flu and cold season.

You can download the songs here and copy and paste the words from my Lyrics and Inspiration“, Music tab. PayPal and all major credit cards accepted.

So have you been enjoying the summer, it is almost over. I’ve enjoyed mine, but I’m hoping for an Indian Summer.

Have a wonderful school year. Remember to “cough and sneeze in your shoulder”…
Sincerely for Healthy Kids…Ms. Dawn

Global Health Songs: Songs for Life and Healthy Living!

May 19, 2009 in Children's Health Education, News - Updates, The Singing Nurse Music, TSN Therapeutic Projects


————About Global Hafrican mom and childealth Songs

My last project is now complete. Three Rice students found my website while looking for health songs and contacted me about writing some songs for their Beyond Traditional Borders program, and “Global Health Songs, Songs for Life and Healthy Living” was born. They really enjoyed “Babies are Beautiful” and asked me to write some songs to go along with their reproductive health curriculum which encourages families to visit the local clinic where they can receive medical help and education. My hope is that “Global Health Songs” will be a vehicle to connect needy families with competent health care givers in their community.
The Song titles are:
1.“Won’t You Come to the Clinic”, a song with Latin beats encouraging families to come to the clinic where the doctor and nurse are there to help them.
2.“See Your Doctor Nurse and Friend”, a gentle Rap song encouraging families to visit the clinic where they can “see your doctor, nurse and friend, they can give you medicine.”
3. “Everyone is Healthy!”, is harmony filled acapella song that starts with fear of the health care providers and turns to reasons why “The Doctor helps your baby, the doctor helps your little child”. Josh enhances this tune with harmony and echos back in Spanish.
4. “Go to the Doctor”, with flutes and hand drums give this song a Native American feel which shares “go to the clinic, come to the clinic, everyone there is friendly and nice”. I think this one is my favorite.
5-8 are all the same songs sung acapella using simple rhythm instruments which provides examples to health care givers who may use the songs in remote villages with electricity unavailable.
Hope you enjoy and let your medical missionary friends hear.
God Bless, Ms Dawn, The Singing Nurse

Photo by Amelia/CAFOD 8/04

Global Health Songs CD is complete.

Let me know if you are interested and I will get you the info about purchasing a copy for your health programs working in villages and small communities. Written to connect families and their health needs to competent health professionals.

Beth and kate04/18/2009
Rice student connection-Global Health Songs Underway!

I am very excited to be working on 4 songs for 3 Rice students, two of them pictured here. The songs will help to promote the health program the students are working on for Guatemala and Botswana. They are attending Rice University and involved in the program BeyondTraditionalBorders. I did some preproduction yesterday and like the way the songs are coming along. One of my music friends Josh, is going to help by adding some spanish words and vocals to the recordings.

Positive Responses!

January 21, 2009 in News - Updates, The Singing Nurse Music


We have had some interest in The Singing Nurse  songs from an educational music website. We are looking over the contract to see if it is a fit for The Singing Nurse sing along songs.  We have also heard back from Pam Beall  WeeSing co author.

Pam Beall said the following: “The Singing Nurse is a delightful and much needed CD for parents, teachers, and young children.  The health concepts are important and presented in a way that children can easily sing along and remember through fun melodies and catchy accompaniments.  This CD would be a wonderful teaching tool for a health unit in preschool and early elementary school.  It would also be valuable to parents as they teach their children good health habits at home.”

So it looks like things are looking good.  I look forward to keeping you all up to date on everything that goes on…

Stay Healthy,

Ms. Dawn

Christmas is Coming…

November 4, 2008 in News - Updates, The Singing Nurse Music

Just want to remind you to place your orders soon in time for Christmas. Please check back for gift packages for your small friends and young family members, that will teach and encourage them to live healthy. Healthy Songs for Active Children and Songs of Inspiration

For Healthy Kids all year long,

Ms. Dawn