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The Lonely Horse picture poem

April 30, 2012 in Creative Adventures, God - Faith - Hope - Love

Lonely Horse


The Lonely Horse

Dawn Ginese 4/29/12

When you feel the need to roam

Try and take the wrong way home

You never know what you might see

You never know who you might meet

Well I gazed up, and what did I see

A lonely horse stood under a tree

He stood like a statue, he stood really still

The lonely horse, upon the hill

I called to him, I knew he could hear

His head perked up, he wiggled his ears

He turned towards me, his head and broad shoulders

I snapped a few pictures, he stood a bit bolder

You never know, what you might discover

The loneliness that you may uncover

When you feel the need to roam

Try and take the wrong way home

The Less Lonely Horse

I hope you enjoyed my little lonely horse poem, it could have been an old farmer or a bird who fell our of a nest. Sometimes you just never know what you will come upon when you decide to take another route. I could not decide whether to use the word “long way home” or “wrong way home”. I picked “wrong” because there really is no wrong way home, it’s just another way. I do believe in right and wrong don’t get me wrong, but as far as exploring and making new discoveries go, our paths may twist and turn and the unknown which includes an element of faith, makes it all the more exciting.

Have you met any lonely souls lately or have a favorite horse comment? Please comment below.

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Singing Nurse Singing Nurse Where did you go? Another Spring pictoral poem

If you look around and like what  you see, sign up for my e-mail updates, I usually sent out 4-6 a month so I will not clog up your inbox. Have a great Spring and Summer.

For Healthy Nurtured Kids,

Ms. Dawn

10/10/2010 What are you Doing?

October 7, 2010 in Creative Adventures, God - Faith - Hope - Love, Uncategorized

Oct 10 2010 what are you doing 02410/10/2010

What… are You Doing?

Just a quick post to remind you that this Sunday is 10/10/10.

What are you going to be doing on that day?  As a child, my daughter always thought it was cool when the time or date was duplicated, she would say, “make a wish” or “say a prayer” and always shouted it out when it was happening.

I guess this is my “shout out”.

Make October 10th 2010  a special day, seems like we should be shooting off fire-works or celebrating in some way.

I’ll start it off with 10 ideas, let’s hear yours…

1.      Call 10 friends

2.     Write down 10 things you are thankful for

3.     Take a picture holding 10/10/10

4.     Write out 10 with apples, pumpkins or some veggies-take a picture

5.     Spend 10 minutes or 10 hours of solitude with God

6.    Go on a special date with your spouse

7.     Celebrate with friends-take pictures

8.     Pick up 10 soda bottles off the road

9.     Climb 10 flights of stairs with your video camera running

10. Smile and say hello to 10 complete stranger

Let me know how it goes, send some pictures to: I’ll post the best ones.

For Healthy Kids and Families, Ms. Dawn, The Singing Nurse

Check out my happy health songs…

Walking Song Video Complete

August 20, 2010 in God - Faith - Hope - Love, News - Updates, The Singing Nurse Music, TSN Therapeutic Projects

Walking Song Video Complete-“I’m Gonna Walk Again” by Jenna and Ms. Dawn

“I wanna walk again, I’m gonna walk again, yes I am, I am,

well the doctor said I never would, but I am, but I am, but I am.”

Jenna and The Singing Nurse, Ms. Dawn, that’s me… have completed our walking song video. We wanted to create this video to encourage others and to educate people about the courage and struggles of those dealing with disabilities and rehabilitation.

PT, OT, ST, supportive parents, brothers, nurses, doctors, friends and family each have played an integral part in Jenna’s progress thus far. Little by little each person has nurtured hope in Jenna.

The dictionary describes progress as a forward or onward movement (as to an objective or to a goal) and in this journey, Jenna would be the first to thank all the people working with her who have encouraged her to keep trying. She especially appreciates her greatest cheerleaders, her parents, for their love and continued support towards her life and progress.

The dictionary describes hope as desire, with expectation of obtainment the end product. All of the encouragement Jenna receives and gives helps to extend and nurture the hope in others. Jenna is looking forward to the future and working to accomplish goals and fulfilling her purpose. Jenna wants to encourage others and asks that you share her videos with your friends who may be going through tough times too.

In Jenna’s videos she passionately reminds her viewers that “you are who you are with or without a wheelchair and that her faith in God sustains her with ‘every step she takes'”.

To read more click on:   About Jenna Jenna’s Story

If you have a question for Jenna, you can go to our contact page or

email us @



Do You Matter?

March 24, 2010 in God - Faith - Hope - Love, Nurturing the Child, Uncategorized

flower banner

Do You Matter?

some thoughts…


How many have felt overlooked, left behind, or ignored? My suspicion is that this is a common human emotion we all feel from time to time. Emotions are strong forces to be reckoned with and can be valuable and affirming in good instances and be totally deceiving in other instances. Whatever instance they may come, they are feelings none the less and need to be evaluated and measure against what is the truth.

I’ve come to learn that tears may be a sign of deep feelings, but not necessarily the truth about it all. Some of our deepest feelings may be reactions to our own make-up of unfounded fears and apprehensions. Feelings may lead our actions in thought and deed and totally miss the mark. Pride will also play a part when we “feel” someone may be thinking ill of us or question our motives. It is difficult to sift through it all and we may need an outside mind to help us pull the pieces together.

Feelings can also warn us of danger and eminent harm and the sensing of what is not right about an event or word. Feelings in this situation are there to help protect us. The descript word “feeling” in this instance may be better named “discernment”. We have to be open, non reactionary and mature enough to know the difference which comes with time, experience, learning, and surrendering our own ideas.

Our own ideas, is that what we want, can they always be trusted? We shall look into the “matter” no pun intended, or maybe it does make sense that what I really want to say is that you and I do matter. It is comforting to know there is a measuring stick to evaluate what is true, what is true about the world, what is true about us and people in general.

I live my life from a biblical world view and the scriptures are my template.  I strive to “listen and do”, a statement I reiterated and reminded my children as they grew.  Don’t be just a hearer of the word, but a doer as well. The Bible has a lot to say about human behavior, what is true about our hearts and what is in them. The scriptures talk a lot about living our daily lives and looking to and seeing hope in our futures, which is our hope in His future for us.

Psalm 139 talks about how we are wonderfully and fearfully made, I’m sure you have heard those words before. In the same Psalm it says He was there watching as we were coming together, as He was putting us together in our mother’s womb. How awesome is that, like an artist painting a picture, He adds color, shading, blends it all, and stands back to see how His masterpiece is coming together. Do you think you matter? I’d say you are pretty special and of course none of us are prints, we are all the original deal.

You were created for and by God. Wow, what a revolutionary and life giving and life changing thought. In the book of Ephesians (a book in the New Testament of the Bible) it says God has His good works ready for us to deliver on. Awesome! We are part of the plans of God; we get to work together with the creator of the universe. Do you matter? Take the time to read all of Ephesians 2, it is wonderful.

Here is the part that talks about how He has created us to do His good works.

8 God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. 9 Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. 10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Ephesians 2: 8-10 New Living Translation

When we come to God and say oh my, I’m wrong, I’ve blown it, ask Him to forgive us and set us on a new path, He does just that. We knowingly and miraculously become part of His team. God helps us discover our gifts and talents “and then”, we learn and long to, with His help, “do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Do you matter? Yes!

Dawn Ginese

Below is a young child’s version of Psalm 139

Psalm 139 paraphrased:

1. Lord you know all about me.

2. You know when I sit and when I wake-up, You know my thoughts.

3. You know when I go places and when I go to sleep. You know what I do every day.

4. Before I speak, You know what I’m going to say.

5. Your hands care for me.

6. It is hard to understand how you know me so well.

7. I can’t run away from You. I can’t hide from you.

8. Wherever I go You are there.

9-10. If I try to fly like a bird or swim like a fish, Your hands lead me and Your hands hold me.

11-12.When I’m afraid of the dark, the black night is like daytime to You and You are not afraid.

13. You made and formed every little part of me. You put me together in my mom’s tummy.

14. I thank You, because you made me. What You do is wonderful.

15. You watched as You made me.

16. You saw me before my body was complete. Everything about me was planned in Your book before I was born.

17. You have so many thoughts about me, I can’t count them all.

18. If I were to count all Your thoughts about me, they would be more that the grains of sand. When I wake up I am still with You.

Psalm 139: 1-18 TSN version


Preschool Radio, The Singing Nurse Health Songs and Free Christmas Music

December 18, 2009 in God - Faith - Hope - Love, News - Updates, The Singing Nurse Music

Christmas tree painted 09I found Preschool Radio via twitter, a great music listening site for the family, who caters to children six years old and under.  Lyn, the host, was searching for a radio program for her young daughter and felt what was offered on the radio waves was not appropriate for her. Lyn’s background in radio broadcasting gave her the nudge to create Preschool Radio. The show plays many undiscovered children’s artist and is quite delightful and refreshing. I contacted Lyn at Preschool Radio and asked if she would give my songs a listen, and she quickly replied back that we were a perfect match. Preschool Radio is in the midst of the Christmas season and played “The First Time” a Christmas song I wrote, recorded and gave to friends and family as a gift one Christmas. You can download 3 FREE Christmas songs I have written by going to the music page. I look forward to the future shows where Preschool Radio will be playing my sing along health songs.


rockwellHave a Wonderful Merry Christmas !

Ms. Dawn, The Singing Nurse