Green Germ Lesson for Kids
October 20, 2012 in Children's Health Education, The Singing Nurse Music
School is in full swing now and we wanted to pass along some fun health lessons and activities for young kids. Whether you are teaching your preschooler about hand washing or needing a little reinforcement with young children about germs, this post is for you. Subscribe too>>>>>
Kian is proud of his germ creation.
Things you will need to complete this hand washing, germ lesson.
♥ Germ print out ♥ Green tissue paper ♥ Glue ♥ Green marker or bingo marker
1. Print out the germ picture from “The Singing Nurse Health Lessons for Kids”.
2. Shred up green tissue paper. (let the kids help, they will like doing this)
3. Place a pool of glue on a paper plate.
4. Crumple up a small piece of green tissue paper, dip it in glue and place it on the picture, continue until germ is covered. You can instruct the kids to not cover the eyes and mouth but don’t worry if they do, the kids or you can always draw it back on or give them pieces of black construction paper to make a face. (hand over hand for disabled children)
5. Take a green marker or bingo marker and put dots all over your germ. We were not happy with the light green tissue paper we used so we enhanced it with a darker green marker.
This is 1 of 10 hands on activities included as part of “Lesson 1-Rubba Dub Dub-Hand Washing” from “The Singing Nurse-Health Lessons for Kids”. “Lesson 4-Don’t Spread Your Germs Around-Flu Prevention” combines well with lesson 1. Who would of thought learning about germs, hand washing and preventing kids from spreading their germs could be such great fun.
Added fun:
1. Print out Resource page R-3, (green little germs) there are 16 germs on the sheet.
2. Cut them out
3. Tape to window, whiteboard or chalkboard
4. Make up a song and get rid of 1 germ(minus 1), count backwards learn about subtraction and reverse it to learn addition by adding 1.
7 little germs, up on a wall
One wants to jump down and crawl
On our nose and on our lips on our chin and on our hips
He wants to make us sick! …. and we say no! go away!
So one ran away and six were left(move 1 germ away)
6 little germs, up on a wall… etc.
Use your imagination, if you have a simple keyboard with beats or pre-programmed melody, it will make it easier to make up a song. You can also use a standard like “5 little monkey’s jumping on the bed” and change the words. People who work with small children are great at this.
I hope you enjoyed my post today, more fun learning brought to you by The Singing Nurse.
For Healthy Kids, Ms. Dawn
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